
Friday, July 19, 2013

WWE SummerSlam 2013 Match Prediction

1. The Shield Vs The Usos
With as fantastic a match as The Shield and The Usos delivered on Sunday, WWE will be hungry to have those two squads go at it again.
In the best pre-show match in WWE history, the tag team title challengers came millimeters away from dethroning the champs. Fans can now believe in Jimmy and Jey Uso being able to win should they be given a second chance.
Perhaps the rematch is a tornado tag match or, even better, a ladder match. Regardless, there is more excitement to draw out of this feud. It's a rivalry that even spilled into the world title Money in the Bank ladder match.
With the apparent split of Team Rhodes Scholars, the tag division offers even less competition beyond The Usos, so count on Jimmy and Jey getting another shot.
2. Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes charged toward victory in the opening match at Money in the Bank only to have his supposed best friend knock him off the ladder and retrieve the briefcase himself.
One of the most intriguing tag teams instantly becomes one of the most intriguing rivalries.
Before Damien Sandow eventually cashes in, he and Rhodes have discord to maximize at SummerSlam. Their history as a team, their now-broken friendship and the jealousy the MITB briefcase is sure to cause make this an easy story to tell.
Sandow gloating over the next weeks should be mighty interesting, as should Rhodes' shift into good-guy status.
3. Dean Ambrose vs. Christian
With both men unable to win their respective Money in the Bank ladder matches, Dean Ambrose and Christian can now focus on resuming the feud they started several weeks ago.
Ambrose may be angry about losing to Christian and The Usos at the end of June. He may be frustrated about losing the Money in the Bank match and look to show the world how great of a champ he is. Defeating an accomplished vet like Christian helps him do that.
This match would allow WWE to keep showcasing Ambrose and to make full use of Christian's talents. Expect Ambrose to continue his reign, adding Christian to the growing list of guys he has knocked off.
4. CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar
Failing to win the WWE title Money in the Bank ladder match frees CM Punk to take on the man who attacked him on June 17 and the man who betrayed him on Sunday.
Paul Heyman turned on Punk on Sunday by smashing a ladder against his head. He should now play a vital role in the drama between Brock Lesnar and Punk, serving as Lesnar's mouthpiece and the focus of Punk's hatred.
Punk should head into Monday's WWE Raw and the weeks ahead furious at both Heyman and Lesnar.
Expect Lesnar to make his pay-per-view return at SummerSlam in a clash with Punk. A year ago, Lesnar headlined the same pay-per-view with a defeat over Triple H. The beast will face a smaller but more versatile opponent who will have plenty to prove after losing to The Undertaker at WrestleMania and watching Randy Orton retrieve the briefcase on Sunday instead of him.
5. Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam
While there's no particular story to work with between these two yet, it makes sense for WWE to make use of Rob Van Dam on such a big show and for Randy Orton to continue his momentum after winning the final Money in the Bank ladder match on Sunday.
Orton and Van Dam had an intense rivalry in 2007 which included a stretcher match.
WWE can have these two rekindle that fire, bringing up the past or alternatively have them squabble over their collisions at Money in the Bank. With this pairing, Van Dam gets a guaranteed quality match against the consistent Orton and fans get to see the daredevil clash with The Viper.
6. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
This story arc isn't complete.
AJ Lee cost Dolph Ziggler the match on Sunday when she whacked Alberto Del Rio with her Divas title. Dolph Ziggler was furious and disheartened.
Ziggler got too close to have his championship pursuits end here. He will get one more shot while his relationship with AJ continues to disintegrate.
Either Ziggler beats Del Rio, completing his journey back to being world champ, or AJ and possibly Big E Langston get in his way again, which would ignite a feud between Ziggler and his bodyguard.
However, should Ziggler win, he opens the door for Damien Sandow to cash in on him at SummerSlam or in the near future.
7. Kane vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray Wyatt and his creepy posse made an impact in their debut at Kane's expense. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan's attack had Kane leave the arena on a stretcher and took him out of the All-Stars Money in the Bank ladder match.
That's more than enough reason for Kane to seek revenge.
Kane could then be for Bray Wyatt what Chris Jericho was for Fandango, a legend for a debuting star to defeat. Judging by the number of promos WWE has shown of Wyatt and his "family" over the last few weeks, the company seems to be ready to push these guys in a major way.
Having Wyatt conquer Kane at SummerSlam would be a great first step for him.
If Undertaker is healthy enough, this could easily shift into a tag team or two-on-three battle.
8. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena
Daniel Bryan doesn't need a briefcase to get a title shot.
No star has churned up a bigger reaction from WWE crowds recently than Bryan. With a submission defeat over Randy Orton on his resume, Bryan is logically in line for a shot at John Cena.
Orton can cash in later, but Bryan's time is now. For a show as big as SummerSlam, it's harder to get a bigger, more exciting WWE title match than Bryan vs. Cena.
This pairing guarantees a high-quality bout and takes advantage of Bryan's blistering momentum

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