
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WWE Raw Results and Report Card 5/27/2013: The Shield Reigns in Calgary

WWE Raw Results and Report Card 5/27/2013: The Shield Reigns in CalgaryRaw_1044_photo_072_crop_650x440
With a different match order, this could have been a super-hot edition of Monday Night Raw. The Canadian crowd is always willing to do their part, and the WWE gave them two matches to savor—tremendous bouts featuring members of the Shield.
First, Dean Ambrose showed why the internet is buzzing about his potential, going hold for hold with Kofi Kingston in a really solid technical display.
Then, against all odds, business picked up even further for a legitimately great match between Ambrose's teammates Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns and Team Hell No.
Unfortunately, these matches were all in the middle of the show. Nothing could follow them, and the remainder of the show felt like nothing but filler. Even the main event, with John Cena and Curtis Axel, failed to match the action and excitement from earlier in the evening.
But a show like Raw shouldn't only be judged as an overall product. It's also a collection of segments, each worth considering on its own merits. I've graded them all. Disagree? Let me know in the comments.
John Cena is back, and he's apparently still shocked and bemused by the crowd's mixed response. You'd think he'd be used to it by now, making his "surprise face" even less believable that Taylor Swift's.
He's out to up the ante of Ryback, changing a mere ambulance match to something even more gimmicky. Ryback accepts. That business taken care of, Paul Heyman comes out to talk Cena into a match with Curtis Axel. Feeling generous, the champ accepts.

John Cena proposed a Three Stages of Hell match for Payback. Ryback accepted. Paul Heyman then challenged Cena to a match with his client Curtis Axel. Cena agreed after some words were exchanged.

Key Quotes
"Seems like there's a lot of unrest in here tonight. A lot of unrest, a lot of anxiety. Maybe a little bit of anger." John Cena, referencing the mixed crowd.
"We're here tonight in Calgary, the home of Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. And justifiably, his people want to pay homage to their hero. And that time will come." Cena, recognizing "We want Bret" chants.
"Ooh, pretty bright lights." Cena, imitating Ryback.
"A match so violent, there have only been three in the history of WWE." Cena announcing a Three Stages of Hell match. It combines a lumberjack, a tables match and an ambulance match.
"I actually agree with you John. Payback should be deliberate. Payback should be definitive. Payback should be hell." Ryback.
"I tried taking you to hell. Say hello to Beelzebub. Say hello to Lucifer. Say hello to Stan. John—say hello to Ryback." Ryback, accepting the match.
"You, John Cena, are a fighting champion. Which is why sir, I know you won't back down from a little challenge of my own." Paul Heyman proposing a match between Cena and Curtis Axel.
"Wooah, wooah, wooa, wooah, wooah Johnny Boy. We didn't ask for your opinion. We asked if you're looking for a fight." Curtis Axel.

Grade: C+
I'm not sure that three bad gimmick matches combine to form some kind of super gimmick match. A gimmick match Voltron, if you will. Instead, I think the result is just three bad matches in a row.

Dean Ambrose vs. Kofi Kingston (U.S. Title)

Dean Ambrose is getting a test run as a singles star—and so far, so good. The Shield has proven to be a great team. Now Ambrose is proving he can work a really, really good one-on-one match too.

Ambrose pinned Kingston with his Bulldog Driver finisher.

Key Quotes
"Think about the night the Shield had at Extreme Rules. This could be just as bad as that was good." JBL on the potential of the Shield losing all their gold.
"They carry them off like cord wood." JBL on the Shield.

Grade: A
Ambrose has star potential—I think we all see it at this point. The question is how well he will be able to navigate the WWE's brutal backstage politics. It will be fun to find out.

ohn Cena vs. Curtis Axel

Last week Axel, fluke or not, beat Triple H fair and square. Tonight it was John Cena's turn to play the unlikely victim.
Nothing builds a lasting star like a series of weak wins!

John Cena was counted out when an ambulance was driven ringside and Ryback jumped Cena.

Key Quotes
"Paul Heyman's last four clients have been world champions." JBL, standing up for Heyman.
"He's got all the tools. He has all the talent and credentials." Jerry Lawler on Axel.
"These are the type of guys Heyman preys on." Michael Cole on Axel's status  as an underutilized talent.
"Is it enough to put Cena away?" Cole. After a dropkick. I'm going to go ahead and say "no." It's not 1951.
"Perfect." Cole after Curtis hit his father's old Perfectplex finisher.

Grade: C+
Something strange was going on during this match. The camera angles were odd and the shots kept very tight. A fight in the stands, maybe?
Whatever it was, it hurt the bout as they spent an extended period in rest holds that didn't really tell a story. Axel did hit a tremendous dropkick and a Perfectplex. Other than that? Not much positive to say about the action in the ring.
I don't like this storyline for Axel either. Sure, it's cheap and immediate heat. But is it lasting?
I'm determined, however, to look on the bright side. Just because it's never worked before doesn't mean it won't miraculously work for Axel here in 2013.

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