
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top 10 movies of 2012

The Dark Knight Rises
+75BEST! Only word I know for this epic movie
+54It would of been better if the that guy didn't murder all those people in the movie theater

+48Christopher nolan is god in making movies... This is his best one...
More comments about The Dark Knight Rises
2The Avengers
+44The Best Action Movie Ever!
+36This movie is absolutely amazing gold. The movie was breathtaking and gorgeous with lots of explosions, something The Dark Knight Rises wishes it would be. The 6 superheroes interacting was amusing and I loved that 1 moment when they stood together in the city, back to back, as a team. It is also one of the few movies to blend comedy and action. Take notes, 2009 version of Land of the Lost. The movie also made over 200 million in the U.S. box office weekend 1. OVER 200 MILLION! Loki wasn't as good as Bane, but oh boy, he had his goals on world domination. Truly evil, even if it's cliche. This film is better than Avatar, Titanic, and TDKR. The Avengers is so good that it's tie with Jaws for my favorite movie. Vote for The Avengers!
+13Go Captain America! :D This is one of the greatest action movies ever! The only movies that are better are the Star Wars movies.
3The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
+51! How is this not number 1? This was the best movie ever. It followed the book Word for word! Seriously, what the heck is Moonrise Kingdom? It sounds like a mixture of tinkerbell andsome stupid anime show! I mean, Dark Knight Rises was really good and it should be number2, but Avengers is way to fast paced and has a terrible plotline! And Contraband, seriously! I don't even Know what that is! Hunger Games was pretty good, but it didn't follow the book at all! Also, The Cabin in the woods is probably areally stupid horror movie that everybody voted for just because they peed their pants watching it. I think that Martin Freeman did a GREAT job acting in the Hobbit and The plotline is great! The Hobbit should definitely be #1!
+31Iam a hardcore LOTR fan. It's just awesome man.
You gotta love it. Maynot be the better than LOTR : Return of the king. But that doesn't mean that it's the best of the year.
+26Hands down, the most epic movie of 2012, killer graphics, phenomenal storyline, and the sequencing was great, hats off to Peter Jackson for making The Hobbit into his own story, now I can't wait for part 2.
4The Hunger Games
+28The movie was amazing and was well played my the actors
+25How Is this not Number 1! This series has been needing some recognition for a while, it is the next Harry Potter/Lord Of the Rings/Twilight saga!
+14Best movie of all time
5Django Unchained
+12Hands down the best movie I've seen this year.
+7It was between this, skyfall & the grey but had to go with django.. Another classic from tarantino.. Dark, hilarious, disturbing & violent without a doubt the best & most entertaining movie I saw in 2012
+5Probably the best movie of the year, even better than Lincoln, and easily the most entertaining

6The Amazing Spider-Man
+19Spider man is my all time favorite super hero and this movie was AMAZING!
+6Emma stone is AWESOME
7Life of Pi
+27This is a really good movie!
+17This movie should be on top
+17Life changing experience, watching this movie...
+3Great movie! Good direction and even better acting!
Deserves to be at number 1
+3Daniel Day-Lewis is AWESOME as always! His voice is f*uckin' amazing' in this movie! I really think he should get the oscar for this role, he truuly deserve it...
+3It is a great movie to watch! Acting of daniel de lewis was simply awesome. Indeed they highlighted up one of the world's greatest leader well.

+34Daniel Craig prooves just why he was cast as James Bond ever since Casino Royale.
+30Fantastic bond movie... Much appreciated...
+30SKYFALL is definitely the best James Bond film
+14I loved it just a feel good movie about growing up
+13Oh come on!, you can watch it for like 100 times and seriously never get bored
It at least deserves a top 10 spot... Ted rocks

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