
Saturday, March 9, 2013

The shield

The Shield has barely been around for three months now, and yet, it's already picked up huge victories over the vast majority of the WWE's top babyfaces.
In just three matches so far, the trio has beaten the following stars: Kane, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Sheamus (twice) and Ryback (three times).
How can you not be impressed by that?
The WWE is notorious for booking its top heels to lose far more often than its top faces, but The Shield has been the exception to that rule. The Shield has defeated just about every single one of the WWE's most pushed and most over superstars.
Any way which you slice it, it's hard not to take notice of The Shield's dominance over many of the biggest names in the wrestling business.
No other wrestlers can say that they've beaten Cena once, Sheamus twice and Ryback three times, but The Shield can lay claim to doing that within its first three months on the main roster.
Just imagine if every debuting faction was booked like that. The WWE would likely be a much better place.

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