
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Facts of Bill Gates

Interesting facts about Bill Gates:

  • He is ranked among world’s richest people wherein he scored number one in the list from 1995 till 2009, except 2008 wherein he was ranked number three.
  • In 1973 he became a student at Harvard University but dropped out in year 1975 wherein he decided to follow his dreams. He had interest in software and programming since early age.
    Bill Gates
    Image credit: Flickr Esparta
  • At the age of thirteen he started writing his own programs and at the age of twenty years he formed Microsoft. He wrote his first program which was tic-tac-toe game that allowed users to play against the computer.
  • He created his first venture – Traf-O-Data , at the age 17 with Paul Allen to make traffic counters built on the Intel 8008 processor.
  • Bill Gates functioned as a congressional page in the U.S. House of Representatives in year 1973.
  • His company became famous for their computer operating systems – MS DOS and later Microsoft Windows. He worked on aggressively broadening the company’s product line by holding the position of Product Strategist from Microsoft’s founding year 1975 till 2006.
  • In year 2000, Bill Gates established Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation along with his wife and has been pursuing number of philanthropic endeavors. His organization has been donating large amounts of money to various charitable organizations and scientific research programs around the world.
  • Bill Gates also appeared in a series of ads to promote Microsoft in 2008.

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