
Monday, March 25, 2013

Top 10 Wrestler Of All Time

10. Triple H

Triple H takes a lot of flack for marrying into the McMahon family, and pulling a ton of strings backstage, but as a performer - as "The Game" - he's nothing short of a ring general, capable of turning the dial up to freakin' eleven and delivering some of the most timeless, brutal matches that we've ever seen in the WWE.  A total "all-rounder," Triple H worked his way up from being WCW's Jean Paul Levesque and the WWF's Hunter "Hogpen Match" Helmsley and landed a prime spot in Shawn Michaels' fledgling Degeneration X, along with Chyna and Rick Rude.  Later, after HBK left the business for a while, Hunter would take over as leader of D-X and helped the WWE lead the bawdy charge against WCW during the Monday Night Wars.  Extremely over as both a babyface and a heel, Triple H could lead stables like Evolution, go to-to-toe against Mick Foley in Hell in a Cell matches, and was the first heel to ever win a WrestleMania Main Event (it was almost Yokozuna) when he pinned The Rock at 'Mania 2000.

Randy Savage

On paper, nothing about the way Randy Savage looked, dressed or acted should have worked.  Billed as "The Macho Man," Savage's stringy hair was tucked behind giant sunglasses and bandanas while he wore custom bedazzled and tassled robes, pink trunks and spoke in a gravely, spasmodic voice.  But somehow we were given one of the most instantly recognizable and idolized performers the world had ever seen.  An immortal character that transcended the industry.  Savage, with the lovely and delicate Miss Elizabeth at his side, was also part of of wrestling's premiere power couple.  As an athlete, Savage's top rope dives and Flying Elbow Drop still influence wrestlers today.


You don't garner universal respect, or the title "Icon," if you don't, say, have more iconic qualities than non-iconic qualities.  Sting was the "Hulk Hogan" you may not have known about growing up.  As a huge hero over in WCW, Sting battled Flair and The Four Horsemen, The Great Muta, Cactus Jack, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Vader and Lex Luger all before changing his gimmick entirely and going "Crow" on Hulk Hogan and the NWO during the Monday Night Wars.  Forging his own path, and never signing with the WWE during his almost-30 years in the business, Sting has been one of the main faces of TNA for the past decade and continues to wrestle in his early 50s.

The Rock

Maybe, in the end, it does matter what you think.
It's the jabroni-beating, pie-eating, high-flying, electrifying, elbow-droppin', spine-poppin', eyebrow raising, People's Champ!  Look, The Rock is great in the ring, and he's given us some truly memorable showdowns with Triple H, The UndertakerChris Jericho, Hulk Hogan and, now, John Cena. He's freakin' aces!  But Rocky's best asset, and the number one tool in his shed, is his ability to entertain his millions (and millions!) on the mic.  Once Rock steps through those ropes and grabs the microphone, you know you're in for a legitimate, hilarious, instantly-quotable treat.  The Rock's over-abundance of charisma has allowed him to cross-over into Hollywood and become an honest-to-goodness movie star, something many other wrestlers have tried to do with little success.  And he's still so tremendously popular that he can return to the WWE after seven freakin' years, take the title of Prom King, and whoop John Cena's candy ass at WrestleMania XXVIII!

Ric Flair

"I am limousine-ridin', jet-flyin', kiss-stealin', wheelin' dealin', son of a gun!"
Nowadays, with Triple H being a 13-time World Champ and John Cena being a 12-time World Champ, Ric Flair's stranglehold on being a 16-time World Champion might not seem overly impressive. But at the time that Flair topped off his career with number 16, it was a watershed moment. Totally unheard of. A true measuring stick. Flair, quite frankly, over his 40 year career was arguably the best wrestler alive or dead. Borrowing Buddy Rogers packaged gimmick (robes, hair, Figure Four and all), Flair perfected the art of the wealthy, playboy heel and popularized the concept of the suited-up, well-manicured wrestling stable with The Four Horsemen. He was the top technician, cheater and bleeder in the game and it's hard to find a single wrestler out there who doesn't say that he was one of, if not the best of all time.

Bret Hart

It's hard to think about Bret Hart without wallowing a bit in all the tragedy that's befallen the Hart family over the years - including Bret's own premature retirement due to a concussion suffered in 1999. And it would have been amazing to see Bret's career extend on into the new millennium. But despite having his ring career cut down in its prime, no one can take away a single ounce of acclaim for "The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be." After Bret beat Ric Flair for the WWE Championship in 1992, it changed the entire industry, re-setting the WWF back to the days of technical wizardry and reshaping all our notions of what a great wrestling match should actually look and feel like. From his time as a Tag Team Champion with Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart to his storied singles career, Bret truly was the "Excellence of Execution."

Steve Austin

Gimme a "Hell Yeah!"
When it comes right down to it, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin wasn't born with enough middle fingers.  And yes, it's ironic that Austin became the most popular and profitable wrestler in WWE history after he suffered what could have been a career busting neck injury in 1997, which wound up severely limiting his in-ring abilities.  Before Austin vs. McMahon launched WWE RAW back to the top, after losing to WCW's Nitro in the ratings for almost two years, Austin was a superb technician.  Austin cut his teeth in WCCW and the USWA before heading to WCW as "Stunning" Steve Austin and becoming a member of Paul Heyman's Dangerous Alliance.  Heyman, knowing that Austin was great, but never used, on the mic, gave him an opportunity to cut some promos in ECW after getting fired from WCW and the rest is legend.  An "Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass" later, and a mega-star was born.  Austin was so wildly chaotic and malicious that the anti-hero loving crowd began cheering him over Bret Hart, leading to a complete role-reversal.  From there on out, it was a Stunner for Vince!  A Stunner for The Rock!  One for Undertaker, Kane, Mick Foley and Kurt Angle.  Not to mention, Shane, Stephanie and even Linda McMahon! It was a time of beer baths and mayhem.

Hulk Hogan

In one of those word Jungian word association tests, if the shrink said "pro-wrestling," 99.9% of the world would follow it up with "Hulk Hogan."  Hogan is the most recognized wrestling star worldwide and the most popular wrestler of the '80s.  His mass-acceptance and enormous popularity gave birth to WrestleMania and the wrestling Pay-Per-View while also allowing him to become the first wrestler to become a successful mainstream merchandising franchise; with everything from cereal to action figures to Saturday morning cartoons in the mix.  Yes, "Hulkamania" was an actual diagnosed "mania."  Then, in 1996, Hogan shocked the world and turned heel, kicking off another giant money-making era; this time for WCW with the NWO storyline.  So say your prayers, eat your vitamins and give some serious though as to what you might perhaps do when Hulkamania runs wild on you.

The Undertaker

When "Mean" Mark Calaway, an impressive cast-off from WCW, joined the WWE and was repackaged as the morbid, zombie-like Undertaker, he hit the gimmick lottery jackpot.  From his debut at Survivor Series 1990 all the way to last WrestleMania's Hell in a Cell match against Triple H, Undertaker's mere presence makes one's jaw drop. From his spectacularly dark, chilling and methodical entrance to his astonishing cruiserweight-style moves (he's 6'10"), no one puts on a show like Taker.  He's remained one of the the most respected wrestlers, and characters, in the business; treated with actual reverence.  Like a cherished, invaluable artifact.  Even now, with his limited physical capabilities, Undertaker still shows up every WrestleMania to steal the show.  His undefeated WrestleMania streak, as a booked accomplishment, means more than any world title reign. And his 'Mania matches, over the last decade, against Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, Triple H and Shawn Michaels, have been some of the most entertaining and dramatic matches ever held.

Shawn Michaels

When Shawn Michaels felt pain in the ring, we felt pain.  No one sold agony, heartache or triumph like The Heartbreak Kid.  Michaels was the most athletic, inspired and daring storyteller in the business; raising the bar for the entire industry with each match.  We don't have to look much farther than the descriptors "The Showstopper," "The Headliner" and "Mr. WrestleMania" to know that HBK was someone who has performed above and beyond.  As the WWE's first ever Grand Slam Champion, Michaels competed in more PWI Match of the Years (11!) than anyone in history while also birthing the Ladder Match, Hell in a Cell and Degeneration X.  The emotion one felt while watching a Shawn Michaels match was unlike anything else.  There was one man Ric Flair himself wanted to end his career in the WWE with - HBK.
Michaels created art in that ring.  He was a gifted performer who took wrestling to athletic heights never imagined.  And his legacy is made all the sweeter knowing that it was almost all over for him in 1998 when he retired due to two herniated (and one crushed) discs in his back.  He returned to the ring five years later and faced Triple H at SummerSlam.  Not. Missing. A. Single. Step.
Thank you, Shawn Michaels.  We felt your wounds and basked in your glory.


                                          HOW TO IMPROVE SELF CONFIDENCE

is a human inner characteristic which alone is capable of drive us to the peak of success. Can self-confidence be improved?
How to improve self-confidence? What is the role of self - confidence ? These are the questions which we will try to find out through this article  .
Students need to develop self-confidence as it have an important role in the business world. Confident people are more successful at work than the people who lack it ,because confident people are always motivated at work. That is the reason many professional colleges have taken initiative on developing self-confidence in students.

Self-confidence is an inner power which help student to belief in their own abilities to perform any task without afraid of risk of failure . Self- confident students focus on their strengths while managing their weakness. They enjoy challenging themselves with setting high goals. Student sometimes are confused with a difference between confidence and confidence with arrogance. Arrogance comes when a person feel insecurity and try to hide their insecurity with arrogance. The main difference is an arrogant person focus on looking good to be the best and a confident person focus on being the best.

Self-confidence can be developed by practice. The main two attributes of self-confidence are
(i) Competence : Competence defines necessary skills and abilities which will help to complete a task, and whether you have or not this competence.
(ii) Self-assurance : Self-assurance defines ones belief to have ability to complete a task, and where you have or not this self-assurance.


Suppose a professional student appear for an interview in MNC organization. Three cases will be considered for that professional.

Case 1 professional has required skills for job profile but has not belief to clear the interview. That means professional only with competence attribute.

Case 2  professional does not have required skills for job profile but has belief to clear the interview. That means professional only with self-assurance attribute.

Case 3  professional has both skills for job profile and belief to clear the interview. That means professional has both competence and self-assurance attributes of self-confidence.

First two cases professional do not deserve job. But in case three, professional deserve the job as having a balance on self-confidence attributes.

Here are  some tips which can help you to improve your self-confidence;

1) Good dress up always help you to feel more confident. When you feel that you look great with your dress then you won’t need to worry about your look during interaction with others. Ex: When you are appearing for an interview, if you are well dress up then you will have self-confidence about your look.

2) Walking style display ones confident. Normally if a you walk very slow, that means you don’t have work or any mission. Again if a person always walk head down, that means the person don’t have confident to see what is happing around him.  You can feel more confident by walking with purpose wherever you go.

3) Speak up during conversation. Many students afraid of speaking up in any session. You start your speak up at least one time in every session. Then you will find out it gets improve your self-confidence day by day. Ex- Start your speak up practice from your college session or group discussion etc.

4) Health is wealth. If you don’t feel well most of the time then you will suffer from low confidence. Exercise can help to remove all stresses mentally as well as physically.

5) Many students or professionals don’t like to sit at front row. This is a common things to avoid front row. But you can increase your confident level over the time by sitting at front row.

6) Always compliments people about their positive point than gossiping about their negative points with others. By doing this you will find out your own positive points and you will be more confident.

7) Never cry for what you don’t have. Instead you focus on what you haven’t achieved yet. Make a plan to achieve your goal and practice each plan every day and write down your accomplishments daily.

8) Practice to contribute to others. The contribution attitude make you feel that “you can do IT” “you can do it” “YOU CAN DO IT”. It will help you to remove your negative thinking from mind and make you more self-confident.

9) Create your own personal positive rules which will charge yourself. Always remind what you have achieved earlier and boost yourself by reminding.

Self-confidence level can be increased by practice and discipline. One can achieve success using self-confidence.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

10 Amazing 3d Painting

Check out the hyper-realistic body art of Chooo-San. Using acrylic paint, 19-year old Japanese student and artist Chooo-San has transformed the bodies of herself and a handful of lucky volunteers into ones that appear to be from another planet. Bored with technology, she wanted to see how far she could go with creating eye-catching illusions in the real world, rather than relying on programs like Photoshop.

Amazing efect created by teenager Chooo-San.

Alexa Meade is an artist who has developed a unique method for her paintings. From the initial image above it looks like your run-of-the-mill style of painting. Only when you understand what her technique is can you really appreciate her talent. She takes real people and applies acrylic paint to them in order to create 3D-2D scenes. While bodypainting is by no means new, what makes Alexa's work outstanding is how these scenes truly mimic a 2D portrait painting done in an expressive style. (Link)           

Camouflage body art. (Link)

The hand painting above is painted by the talented London-based body painter Annie Ralli. Photographed by Ray Massey, this hand illusion is part of an advertising campaign for Ecclesiastical Insurance, a niche insurance company using the byline “You're in good hands.” (Link)

Another work from Annie Ralli. (Link)

What's that? You always wanted a third eye? One or two in the back of the head would be super useful, but would you settle for one in place of your mouth? Probably not. Although, with this creative and creepy lip makeup by Swedish makeup enthusiast Sandra Holmbom, one could at least test it out. The illusory look for lips mimics an eye, allowing it to chomp away on whatever it is that you're eating. Thanks to the artist's intricately designed iris and delicately applied eyelashes, a slight part in the mouth adds to the mind-boggling effect that inspires a double-take and some fright in small children. (Link)

More of Choo San's work. What started as a way to procrastinate before her university exams (Chooo-San would start drawing eyes and other objects on her hands) has turned into very characteristic and viral drawings. (Link)

Alexa Meade is taking her Trompe-L'Oeil painting technique to new heights, adding incredibly vibrant colors and patterns that warp our minds and sense of reality even more. (Link)

10 Best Ways To Prupose Girls

Girl’s biggest dream is her perfect proposal. Every girl has a dream, to be asked The Question. But what and How? Guys are lacking is the romance and creativity to ask such an important question. Most of girls do not want the ordinary scenario, that is the guy getting down on one knee with a red rose in his hand, and just proposing. Though this is an old way of proposing. You can make your proposal as the best and the most romantic date with your loved ones. I am here to give you the top ten ways to propose, and I am sure your girl of your dreams will say yes. These are just ten romantic ways to propose to someone. Try them out and win the heart of your lady.
1. Be yourself
Sipmple Love Proposal 330x250 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
This is the first rule that you need to get into your mind when you think of proposing a girl. Do not overdo your proposal. Keep it simple yet special and sweet. Listen up fellas if you want to capture your woman’s heart by a marriage proposal, then follow your heart and hers. Be creative, and be yourself. Its every girls dream to have a guy propose to her. Be who you are, and in your own special way say those three golden words.
2. Candle lit Dinner
Candle lit Dinner 333x250 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
This is a classic but a great way to pop the question. Candles are one of the quintessential elements of a romantic evening. The dim lights of the candles burning flames and the romantic tunes sets one of the perfect settings for a romantic proposal. A candle lit dinner is a romantic way to propose to anyone who holds a special place in your heart and the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Guys set the mood, by preparing and cooking your significant other their favorite dinner. Turn off all lights and lit the candles, play romantic songs. The glowing of the candles sets a mood for a night full of romance and is one of the most perfect scenes to propose. It will set the mood for love and romance.
3. Place Where You Met First Time
Place Where You Met First Time 400x225 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
Take her to the place where you met each other for the first time. Recreate the same moment and then propose to her. It will definitely move her and get embossed on her memory for lifetime.
4. Special Day
special day 366x250 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
What better way to propose to the woman of your dreams is on Valentines Day, Christmas Day, Eid Day, Holly or Dewali Day. Corny but very romantic. Yes I realize a lot of you guys propose on ‘Valentines Day’ because it is a national holiday and a romance filled day. But to make the proposal extra special, propose on a causal day. Pick a day that has special meaning to you both, such as a birthday, anniversary of your friendship or the day when you went for your first date and etc. A proposal isn’t something to take lightly. For a guy to remember special days such as the anniversary of friendship or first date and to propose on that particular day is a special proposal to a woman. A marriage proposal is a commitment between two people who are deeply, passionately in love.
5. Proposal During a Movie Break
Proposal During a Movie Break 400x226 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
The very romantic and easy way to propose your beloved. This way of proposing is tried and tested and it works, really. Edit and compile a short lovely movie which pop up the special question and screen it during the interval. It should be fun to see her reaction.
6. T-shirt Proposal
will you marry me on tshirt 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
Get a t-shirt with the text “will you marry me” or “Do You Love Me” and wear a jacket over it, take her to a nearby park or a place you usually meet up and get down on your knees and reveal your special tee to her.
7. Picnic in the Park
picnic 375x250 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
This is a simple but romantic way to propose to the woman you love. What better way to propose to the woman of your dreams is by sticking her engagement ring inside the chocolate covered strawberry. Plan a perfect plan for a picnic. A nice and beautiful scene, Green hills and valleys and your loved one lying on your chest. This romantic moment can be made more beautiful chocolates covered with strawberry, bucket of a chilling champagne. You can stick ring with the choclate wrapper and cover it with strawberry for proposing your girlfriend for marriage. You can make this picnic even more beautiful by singing a romantic song for your loved ones.
8. Radio Proposal
Radio Proposal to a girl 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
The girls love brave guyes. Any girl would love the guy who propose her would have the guts to propose in front of thousands of people listening over the radio waves.
If you know she listens to the radio at a certain time everyday, making a dedication will work charms with her. Call your local FM radio station, one you know she will be tuning into. What would you say on the radio? That is clearly up to you. But it should be something memorable and sweet. Dedicate you beloved, her fevorite romantic song. Have the radio play you and your “song,” together, and a sweet proposal following before or after the song. Then have her phone in after the song to give her answer over the radio waves. She definatly answer ‘YES’
9. Surprising By Hiding In A Box
Surprising By Hiding In A Box 373x250 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
This one can be easy, but a lot of coordination is required to execute this proposal. Hiding yourself in a box wrapped with gift paper can be a big surprise to her when you are holding a ring in your hand and waiting to be unwrapped.
10. Banner Proposal
Banner Proposal 400x201 10 Best Ways to Propose a Girl
If you can’t express your feeling or you are afraid of rejection then you can use banner for proposing a girl. You can get a banner prepared with the word ‘I Love You’ and have it displayed outside her house or in the workplace. It is advised that you do not use her real name on the banner, but use the endearment that you generally use to call her. You can also make a flying banner and can give surprise to your loved one by flying it over her head and making it the most excited and memorable moment of your life. Try this way only when you are sure that she is not going to reject your proposal.

WWE Latest News

Source: The Wrestling Observer

Triple H is making more changes behind the scenes in WWE. He has started to do away with word for word scripts and instead is teaching the developmental talents how to work with bullet points.

This allows each talent to learn how to speak as their character and rely more on their own creative ability instead of reading what someone else wrote for them. WWE used to do this with their talent, to allow the talent to build their characters as well as to allow them to grow more naturally                       

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The choice to make the Brock Lesnar versus Triple H match No Holds Barred at WrestleMania 29 was made a few days before Monday night'sRAW. There were other ideas discussed for the match, including a Hell In A Cell match.

One other scenario discussed was having Shawn Michaels in the corner ofTriple H while Paul Heyman would officially be in Lesnar's corner, which would lead to both getting involved in the match. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Run New PC Games without Graphic Card

Trick to Play/Run the New PC Games Without Graphics Card

Most of the latest games released to day needs a powerful graphics card in order to run properly. As PC components have become very cheaper most of the computer users today will buy a graphics card together with their new pc. But many people who have bought their PC’s some years back will not be able to invest in for a new graphics card; most probably their mother boards wont support it. So if they need to play the latest games the only choice is to invest in a new mother board and graphics card. The same is my case too. But there is some outstanding news for you guys. Yes you can now play these graphics intensive games without a graphics card! Read it again to get the full impact……
When you try to run graphics demanding games like Farcry etc. you will be met with errors like Pixel Shader 2.0 not supported, graphics card not supported like that. So here comes a software that can use the power of the Central Processing Unit; the CPU for these purposes. It will emulate the CPU to do the work of the graphics card, there by enabling old pc users toplay latest games on their pc.
3d analyze is a Graphics Card Emulator that can emulate all the feature of a 3d graphics card like pixel shader 1.1, 1.4, 2.0, bump maps and many other features.
You need not worry when a game stops working on your system, 3D Analyze will come to your rescue. This software is very useful to people whose graphics requirements are higher than the configuration that they have now.
3D analyzer can simulate options like TnL caps,Enable Pixel shader 1.4,etc.
It additionally allows you to simulate your graphics card.

How you can use 3D analyzer to Run/ Play the new Games on your PC

  1. Download the latest version of 3D Analyzer from here.
  2. Now you need to extract the files to a folder by running the file you have just downloaded. Now Run 3DAnalyze.exe file.
  3. 3D+Analyzer1 How to RUN/Play Latest Games without a Graphics Card
  4. Press “SELECT” button, locate and open the main executable program of the game. You need the select the main executable file itself not the shortcut i.e the select the executable file of the game from the directory where it is installed on.
  5. Emulating missing hardware features with 3D-Analyze:If your graphics card features won’t support DirectX based favourite game’s minimal system requirements – then look for the corresponding reference on game box or in the game readme.txt file and simulate those settings by “moving” your graphics card into minimal category if necessary. Here are some of the main 3D-Analyze settings to check if you want emulate a DirectX version starting from previous one.
  6.  How to RUN/Play Latest Games without a Graphics Card
  7. The VendorID and DeviceID boxe’s could be useful if the game doesn’t work again and it showa error message saying unsupported Video Card / Graphcs Card.It could emulate both the video cards of that NVidia or AMD Radeon.
  8. 3D Analyze 41 How to RUN/Play Latest Games without a Graphics Card
  9. Filling up these blank fields with values written in group box saying DirectX Device ID’s, it will compel your game to use your video card like a different one.So if you want to your graphic’s card to be of that of Nvidia just change the DeviceID from 0 to 1 thats all.
  10. 3D Analyze 51 How to RUN/Play Latest Games without a Graphics Card
  11. Finally Press the “RUN” button, to start the game; it is not guaranteed that you will get the exact performance that you could get on using a real graphics card!. But, higher success chances are of that from DirectX. Atleast you could play the games which wished to play before on your PC
Yes thats it go ahead and play the games that you was not able to play before. Start Gaming!